April Showers are Feeding the Blooming
Soundtrack for this post: Real Love Baby, Father John Misty
I feel like I was just on here writing our March blog post, is time flying by or what?
As I write this, I sit at my kitchen table, sun shining through the bay window, nurturing my plants and myself. The mix of Spring sunshine and rain is what it takes to make all things green and full again, and it’s such a nice metaphor for our own lives, right?
So, here are some good news updates:
Our online courses are growing, yay! Join us. We are switching over to Zoom as our platform this week, and I know this is the Universe preparing me for even bigger groups of students. We have one class each week, on Thursday nights, and it’s been a blast to further connect with the Soul Fam.
Private Facebook group: If you are feeling the call to connect with a fun, spiritual group, join our private Facebook group! It’s called Soul Coaching with Jessica Soul Fam, and it’s a great source of support on the path.
New topics! I’ve been feeling the call to work with and teach new things: Akashic Records, North Node Soul Astrology guidance… These topics will be incorporated in our online courses, in Special Topic classes. You can always find the current class schedule here.
Fun Events! I had a great time at the Mystic Ginger Pop Up this past Sunday. Coming up I have an Alex and Ani event this Saturday in Fairfax, Virginia. In May I am heading back to Jersey Shore to do another combined healing event with my friend Julie of Lil Goddess Yoga. You can always email me for more information on events, and follow my Facebook page for event postings.
and last but not least, I updated my Services. I now have the following available for booking: Readings, Coaching, Online Courses, and Energy Healing. Hopefully you find exactly what you are looking for. You can always contact me to combine services into the perfect offering for you!
I hope you are enjoying the Spring vibes, and setting your intentions for an amazing season to come.
Peace and Love,