Almost Summer Check In
Hey there Soul Fam. Spring is flying on by. The Summer Solstice will be here next week, and boy am I ready for it. We have the magical Strawberry Full Moon next week as well, in my Sun Sign of Sagittarius. The energy feels fiery and passionate, and it is the perfect time to press forward to the life of our greatest dreams.
Here is a little bit of what I’ve been up to.
Doing: Working full time at my Summer job, at a garden center and loving it! It’s been so refreshing to step back from teaching and get a bit of a breather doing something with my hands and learning more about a growing hobby for me. I start up with teaching again with an online college class next month and think I will be ready to teach after this nice break.
Writing: my second book and feeling inspired. It is due to my publisher at the end of the Summer so I am finally getting my organization and flow with writing. Sunday morning is my main writing time and it just feels like the perfect time to settle in and be productive and creative. I can’t wait to share this book with you when it is ready.
Reading: Think and Grow Rich. After this one I think I am due for a good ole Summer novel, I have a stack I have been meaning to get through. Something special about a cup of hot tea and some before bed reading, do you feel the same way?
Watching: Movie-wise: Bob Dylan’s new Netflix film. Show-wise: The Good Witch, Baskets, Big Little Lies *all just came back on and I am in heaven! I don’t have cable and rarely watch shows, so I found all of these after they had been off for awhile so I have been waiting on new seasons.
Planning: SO much coming up and so much to look forward to! Moving across the bridge to the Philly side of PA at the end of the Summer, starting a few new college teaching jobs, including one at a great university! Manifesting the perfect little home for me and getting my schedule to a more manageable load for the future, these goals have been such a long time coming and it feels so great to see them on the near horizon.
Manifesting: The perfect new lil home, a Soul Coaching with Jessica retreat in Woodstock, continued health and more energy, and more!… How about you?
Business Updates:
Events- 3 Events for June! Check out the info here and on my Facebook page for more details.
Courses- Full Moon Gathering and Book Club up for this month, and 5 courses up for July. Check it out here and register.
Heal the Healer Special- June’s Special is a $35 half hour Soul Coaching session. Heal yourself so you can heal the world.
Peace and Love,