Leap, and the Net Will Appear... So here I go!
I've never been one who is afraid to take risks. I'm a Sagittarius, for goodness sake. *I like to get the woo-woo warning out early these days, so if you are turned off by sign-talk now would be a good time to leave this conversation ;)
So- here's the thing. While I KNOW how manifestation works, I have manifested many things in my life- big and small, and everywhere in between- it does not make those big leaps any less scary.
What is fear anyway? It's us coming up against the greatest demon of all- our own selves.
I have had SO much change and transition in the last couple of years. I got the deep Soul urge to totally transform my life, and in that swift and rapid time of change somehow I ended up nestled into a cozy life here in New Jersey. All these pieces fell into place, and I've been doing my best to flow with the wild ride.
Professionally, this transition time has involved much change as well. In many ways, higher education has been a training school for me. I learned to find my voice, to keep the good gigs and leave the bad ones, and make progress toward a more Soul-aligned path.
It was always my Heart's plan to shift into a Soul-aligned business. I know higher education has prepared me for the teaching skills I will need. I know how to create courses, engage with people from all types of backgrounds, and I like to think I've told a good joke or two. I am grateful for the opportunities I have been given, and even the bad experiences have taught me about life, about people, and about trusting my own gut.
But I can't keep playing it small. The full focus on higher education with my business as a side gig was no longer working for me. The Universe kept confirming that to me. It was just up to me to catch up.
I'm there now, I truly am. The only thing standing in the way of me and this next great chapter? My own fears. Doubts of- how can I make enough income? Will I be understood? Will my family be proud of me, etc, etc, etc. The truth is- I HAVE to shine my light. I HAVE to lead by example. Why am I sharing all of these messages of truth and hope with others if I myself don't heed my own Soul's call.
So here I am world: Jessica, a Guide for Heart-led Soul-aligned living.
I am ready to serve, to fulfill my Soul's mission.
I am so pleased to have you on board.
Let's do this Earth school thing.
Peace and Love,