Slow and Steady
I was inspired after pulling the Poised and New Life cards, yet again, to offer some guidance to all of us on the path. It has been said by many spiritual teachers, astrologists, numerologists, empaths, Tarot readers- basically everyone attunded to the energies and flow of life, that last year was a tough one. We had to go in and heal some really deep things, and many of us ended the year feeling a bit weary, worn out, and ready for some change.
The good news is that it really does seem that change is headed our way. Nothing stays the same forever, seasons change in nature, and in our own lives as well. We are all connected, and as a collective we have some great things on the horizon. I want to remind you to keep the following mantra in mind during this time of great transition: Slow and Steady.
Nothing needs to happen all at once, over night. Good things are worth waiting for. Patience is a deep, advanced soul lesson, as is Trust. The Universe is calling on you to do your part, keep on showing up, keep on keeping on, don't let the Ego get in the way this time. Things are being lined up for you behind the scenes, and you can really knock it out of the park this time, if you just keep practicing those swings.
So--- how do we cope in the meantime? Set your intentions. Focus on utilizing positive thinking and the Law of Attraction to assist you. I am going to be offering some coaching packages aimed directly at this topic, if this is an area you find yourself struggling. Any pause is a gift, a time to go deep within, embrace the stillness, and ask yourself- What do you REALLY want? The time of playing small is past us, this is a season of emerging into our light.
You can have the life of your dreams, but in order to do so, you have to be committed to change. You can't invite in a new, better, more Soul aligned life if you are holding on to old outdated beliefs which no longer serve you. Healing is real, change IS possible, you can find yourself in a magical year if you allow this time to work for you.
As always, I am here if you need me. I am sending you all the Peace and Love, from my Heart and Soul to yours.
With deep love and gratitude,
My Business Story
Hello, and thank you SO much for joining me. I am excited to write my first blog post. I figured it'd be best to start with the story of this little ole business, so that's just what we will do.
I have been working in the position of an educator as far back as 2008. It was during my graduate studies in Sociology where I was assigned my first course as a college instructor. This was a transformative experience for me, and I quickly fell in love with teaching and the human connections with my students. If I am being totally honest, I think I can trace my love for teaching and sharing knowledge and lessons with others all the way through my entire life.
I completed training to be a Life Coach, and launched my business in 2014. I wasn't exactly sure how this business would work, what exact services I would offer or how it would fit into my life along with teaching as an adjunct professor. I simply knew I felt called to do this work, and that my role as a teacher would evolve in more ways than simply the classes I was currently teaching.
The next few years I saw a few clients here and there, booked some public speaking engagements, grew my Facebook page a bit- but it never fully clicked. It wasn't until moving to New Jersey this past summer when I finally got the undeniable urge to JUST GO FOR IT. I was ready to step outside of my role of simply teaching in the college setting. In doing so I am following the calling of my heart and Soul.
I made the commitment to provide daily life coaching video tips Monday through Friday on my Facebook page. I will also be providing more blog posts, offering online courses, unique coaching packages, and more!
SO- a big part of growing my business is reaching out online, and allowing others to see exactly what it is I do, and what I have to offer. Many people (most/all in my opinion) could benefit from work with a Life Coach. However, so many people still do not know what that is about. I believe in the Law of Attraction, the power of positive thinking, the use of energy healing, and more. Along with my Life Coaching certification, I am also Reiki Level 2 certified. I also enjoy pulling cards to get some additional guidance on the themes and messages. My unique style of coaching blends many forms of intuition and guidance to give you support on your journey.
So here's how my business works- I offer one hour coaching appointments. Clients can book as they go, or purchase a package with multiple appointments if they like. The work can be conducted over the phone or Skype.. I coach from the comfort of my cozy home right here in Southern New Jersey, with my two rescue dog mutts by my side. You can come to our meeting with specific issues or challenges or goals in mind, or we can work more generally. Our work together will be not only effective and powerful, but fun too!
A little bit about myself- I LOVE my life here in Jersey, outside of Philly. I get to take advantage of all of the great offerings of the city- awesome live music, delicious vegan food, endless events, etc... I get to live a short drive from all of that, and yet where I live is full of green space and roadside produce stands, beautiful trails, and adorable towns with charming downtown districts. I feel so supported by the Universe in the magical way I found my current life- it was in no way planned out, and yet it is the best life for me that I could image. THIS is how it works, set the goals and the intentions, honor your honest soul and heart desires, and make room to allow for the magic to happen. I don't just preach- I live my messages. I want to live a honest and true and beautiful life, and help others to do the same. I am so pleased to connect with you on this journey.
If you feel inclined to work together or have any questions, message me at I look forward to getting to know you!
Peace and Love,
Self-Love and Acceptance
Self-Love really is the most amazing thing you can give yourself💛Nothing in the world will feel better, nothing has the power to please and fulfill you on the same level. 💫 What's so wild about this is that it's already in all of us. Our access to it may just be blocked. My life's work and mission is all about love. I help people remove their blocks to love- through guiding my clients to heal their selves and their lives as a Life Coach. 🌻 I want you to know that when you hear the wisdom that the world will change when you let Self-Love flow in your life, I mean this literally. The world you see will look different- more friendly, more kind, more colorful, more beautiful. 🌏
So, what are you waiting for? This is your mission- to remove the blocks to love, to feel total Self-Love flood every cell of your being, and to reflect that love into the world. Heal yourself, heal the world. ⭐️ You are so powerful. *** You can find out more of my thoughts on Self-Love and acceptance by watching my Life Coaching tip videos at my Facebook page.
✌️ and 💛,